Sunday, July 18, 2010

Operation Cut Out Cooper's 2:30 Bottle: Night One

So Cooper started sleeping through the night at 2 months! We were thrilled. It took Madison much longer. He slept through the night for several months, until he started getting repeat ear infections. We started getting up with him. I just couldn't let him lay in bed and cry knowing his ears were aching. (I had an ear infection right at the beginning of all of his so I knew what it felt like. It was miserable) Needless to say, over the past 5 or so months he's been on a new schedule of waking up at 2:30 for a bottle. The other day we decided he is better, we are putting an end to this. He will be off the bottle within the next month and I refuse to get up to give him a cup of milk. I was nervous because I can't turn off his monitor and just let him cry. I knew I'd be awake the whole night...listening and wishing I could go in and hold him.
Night one went good. He woke up at 11:30 and cried for about 6 minutes or so. Not sure why he woke up then. I was dreading his 2:30 wake up call because that's when he expects that bottle. At 3:30 he woke up and cried for 15-20 minutes at most. Trent had turned his monitor really low at 11:30 so I found myself falling asleep but then waking up again to still hear him cry. He whined at 6:30, which is in his normal time range of waking up. But he was silent within seconds and slept until 8:15!!!!
Overall, it went better than I expected! Yay for Cooper!

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