Saturday, September 18, 2010

First Home Game

(Liberty does not make toddler boys shirts! They only have onesies! Cooper is supportin' his Aggies until I can get a Warrior shirt made for him! )

We had our first home game of this season last night! It was SO LONG! The first half took 2 HOURS! I usually get there about half time. Last night, I knew I'd be a little early because I had left earlier than normal but I got there with almost 8 minutes left IN THE FIRST QUARTER!! That makes for a long night of chasing kids. We started out in the grass so the kids could run and we could still see the game. Then in the 2nd quarter we moved up to the bleachers and had a small area that the kids could run around. Of course, at half time we went onto the field and let the kids run. That was interesting...having two kids to watch...while both were running in different directions! I definitely got my workout in. The 2nd half went much faster than the 1st. The kids played on the wheelchair ramps. They ran up the ramp and down the stairs, over and over and over. Cooper was so tired by the 3rd quarter so he wanted to be held most of the time. The game wasn't over until 11:00 but we got ANOTHER WARRIOR WIN!! We beat Aubrey 42-27 . The Warriors are UNDEFEATED!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Go warriors ! ! I bet the kids have a blast.