Sunday, October 10, 2010

More Liberty Football

This was Liberty's homecoming so Madison had been so excited about going to the game all week. The pre-school dressed up each day just like the high school did. (her teacher has an awesome website with pictures on it. I will see if I can repost some of the pictures here) Madison thought it was so neat that her and Trent matched each day. The day of the game it rained ALL DAY LONG. If it wouldn't have broken a 3 year olds heart, I would have probably sat this game out. Not only was it HUMID as ever but I was sick. I accidentally took Nyquil around 7:00 so you can imagine my state of mind by the time we made it to the game. It was interesting to say the least. But we went and the kids had a blast. That's all that matters right.

Family Pic.

My sweet, sweet boy!

This little girl won't stop to smile for anything! This is her favorite part of the football games...getting to run on the field after the game is over!

They always get so excited to see their Daddy!

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