Thursday, June 21, 2012

Madison's End of Year Awards/Carnival

Madison's End of Year Awards and Carnival was a week before she got out for summer and two weeks before I was out. I had planned to just take a half day and go to the awards/carnival and then go back to work and leave her at school. As it got closer and closer I decided to just take the whole day and spend the day with her. I'm out of days but fortunately we had saved enough for my maternity leave that it would cover one more day. :) I told Madison we would have a girls day (because Cooper and Karsyn were at daycare -siblings are not allowed at parties) and do whatever she wanted after her party. She decided on lunch at Chick-fil-a and swimming! It sounded perfect to me! 

 A quick shot in the car before we went in

 Madison and her friends waiting on the party to start
 They are asked to wear their Wee Warrior shirts and accessorize with their class color. Her class color was purple.

 Receiving her character award. Her character trait was Nurturing this year. I think it fits her perfectly.

 Trent go to come down for the awards but was not able to stay for the carnival. 

Madison's class: Lindsay, Savannah, Elijah, Mrs. Cothes, Kennedy, Madison, Laken, Chase, Colton

 showing off her goody bag-- their carnival is really neat. Each of the preschool rooms has a different carnival game/activity. They carry this bag around with them to put their treats and the things they make in it.

So thankful I got to spend the day with this special girl. We don't get alone time very often and I'm grateful for the chance to give her my full attention.

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