Sunday, October 21, 2012

She's a mess

 This little girl had blueberries and oatmeal for breakfast! Can you tell that her Daddy fed her? :)

 She loves pulling up on furniture. She found her reflection in the dishwasher and spent the next several minutes kissing herself. :)

 I put her in Madison and Cooper's room to play while I started washing dishes. I asked Trent to go get her when he was finished doing what he was doing. I called Laurie and before long I realized I had never seen Trent walk by and hadn't heard from Karsyn. I went down to the kids room and she was gone. I found her in the bathroom with the whole roll of toilet paper on the floor with her. She was super proud of herself! Little stinker!

Going out to eat is not so fun at the moment. She's in the stage where she grabs everything so you have to keep all the food on the opposite side of the table. She has the go-go-gadget arms and reaches things that you think are out of reach. When we leave the floor is covered in cheerios, straws, and any other food she's eaten. I'm thinking we'll stick to fast food when we eat least for the next few months!

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