Saturday, January 18, 2014

Karsyn is 2

This girl is 2! I can't believe how fast the time seems to be going. I don't remember all of her milestones (because I'm a year late in blogging). Luckily, they are documented in her photo book. We did not have a party for her this year because our house is on the market. The thought of 20+ people coming in to mess it up was too much. Plus, the weekends are the busiest showing times. Dad and Laurie still came up to see her. We went out to eat, played at the park, went to the candy store. I'd say it was a good 2 year birthday. 

We had the annual countdown...

  This was her party day at Mrs. Lisa's house. She took Minnie Mouse cupcakes to share with her friends.

The morning of her birthday we had balloons and a present.
 Then we got dressed and went to the donut store for breakfast. Her favorite.

 She ate the chocolate and sprinkles off her donut holes and left the donut....
Grammy and Papa came mid-morning to spend the day with us. They brought her a present and money too. She got another BIG minnie mouse.

Happy Birthday, sweet girl! We love you so much and so thankful for the laughs you bring our family.

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